Cubee Time Travel Adventure Slots

Cubee Time Travel Adventure Slots
This is easily one of the most fun and innovative games we’ve ever seen in the slot world. You’ll take one look at it and wonder if it’s even a slot! It is indeed, and an achievement in the genre on top of that. They pulled out all the stops with this one, resulting in an experience that is truly unique, looks amazing, and pays as well or better than the games you’re used to.

To begin with, this game has an art style that seems fit for some kind of animated Pixar feature, if it’s not taken from one already! The characters have a lovely look to them and loads of personality, with production values that appear higher than the average children’s cartoon show, and even some of the latest bombs we’ve seen at the box office.

The gameplay is also very innovative, lacking reels and the traditional pay lines. It’s an entire board that you’ll be tasked with winning on, and it looks more like a normal video game than anything else. We really enjoy this style of gameplay, and wish more slots would follow suit. Even calling it a slot is somewhat of a stretch, given how innovative and out there it is. It’s like being payed to play a video game, which is the dream of many, and the bane of those paid to test them.

You’ll win just like a traditional game, but have as much fun or more than anything you’ve ever played around the online gambling parlances of the internet. This thing’s a wonder to behold, and we think you’ll regret not seeing what it has to offer!

What You Can Expect

Oddly enough, you can expect something closer to a traditional video game! That’s the main draw of this slot. You won’t find the usual scheme of pay lines and reels and things of that nature. It’s a complete video game that you wager on per spin, focused on leveling up your little character and beating the big bads all around you. It’s still mostly based on spinning and winning, but it’s a nice touch, and makes it a completely unique game in the genre for how novel it is.

You will also enjoy some of the best graphics in the online slot world, or anywhere else. Seemingly combining a mix of Toki Tori and Angry Birds, this game has a nice 3d rendered look that would be fit for the silver screen. No expense was spared here, giving you a lot to look forward to when you play it, and making it all feel like something ‘more’ than a slot.

A completely new set of play mechanics also awaits you. This game is a full on video game that you’re paid for enjoying, and you’ll at the very least have fun, regardless of what you win!

What They Could Have Improved

This one’s a tough one, because we loved this game so much! One thing they definitely could have improved would be to have more options for winning. We loved what was there and how varied it all is, but they could have done a lot to increase that and make us smile. They could have also made things a little more visually intuitive as well. It was at times not intuitive or entirely clear why some things should be a certain way when it came to matching and things of that nature. Everything’s so colorful and fun that at times it was a little hard to follow.

They could have also made more games like this one, but that’s more of a backhanded compliment!

General Style and Presentation

This is one of those games that looks so good you’ll wonder if it’s really a slot. And with the gameplay on this one, you’ll be wondering that even more! It’s basically a video game that has a high pay out potential, which makes it all very zany and different when it comes to the style of the space. We keep wanting to say reels and reel images, but there aren’t any reels!

Pixar doesn’t have anything on those folks. It’s all wonderfully rendered with beautiful fur texture and colors. They don’t waste any time doing any of that and it all sings on multiple levels. We even love the color scheme, which is a bright and daring mixture of pretty much everything on a palette. The main themes are the green and beige backdrops in contrast with the stone age looking logo and the colors of that nature that make their way onto the characters, almost like its a series of little dinosaurs that were made into cute and cuddly square folks that came and gave you some money for giving them a gander. It’s ingenious in its own way, and reminds us of some of the more high budget indie games that you’ll see on the market in the normal video gaming space.

Summing Up the Game

Cubee Time Travel Adventure Slots is hardly a slot, but is definitely a lot of fun. Its gameplay is unlike anything we’ve ever seen, lacking any reels or pay lines, while still managing to pay the player amply and having a good time doing it. The gameplay is so fun that it could have been a game in its own right that we would have paid to play. The fact that this is a slot is a joy. And the way it looks is icing on the cake.

If you want one of the best looking games on any market, one that’s authentically fun to spin with, and that is completely different from all games you’ve tried before in the gambling space, this one is it. We cannot praise it enough, and hope it starts a revolution in the slot space, turning them into regular games that simply pay you and fill up your wallet rather than the reverse!